How to closed autoplay in Window

Why we need to close autoplay in windows?
AutoPlay lets you choose which program to use for different kinds of digital media, such as music CDs or pictures from your digital camera. But is not good because any viruses can attach to your computers by autoplay, so you should closed autoplay.
Closed AutoPlay
Viruses are easily spread through the USB flash drives. Viruses transmitted this way are created in a way that they are automatically ran (automatically activated) when plugged into a running computer or when the Drive is opened (clicking or double clicking), and let's face it, not all malwares can be detected by your anti-virus at once. One way to minimize this is to turn off the autoplay feature of your drives.
When you are close autoplay in windows you will get more benefit suck as:
            +   Protect any viruses
            +   Protect auto run
            +   Save times

AutoPlay has always been a nuisance for Windows users, and it is also a part of the latest version of Windows. No doubt, most viruses spread using USB flash drives (or even CD/DVDs). The virus is executed when you open the drive directly (using AutoPlay, or by double clicking the drive). And sadly, such viruses can penetrate Windows 8 as well. Yes, Windows 8 has AutoPlay turned on by default. Fortunately, you can turn it off quite easily, and we will show you how to do just that.
 How to close autoplay:

        Go to control panel -> click on icon AutoPlay -> uncheck         Use AutoPlay for all media and devices
        and then you must click Save button.
How to Closed AutoPlay in Window

As you know the many reason why we need to close autoplay in window, so everybody must to closed autoplay in your window.

We have a Videos practice, so you can try follow this Videos:  


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