Basic Network

Network is a subject that have in field Information Technology. After you completed this course you have ability to control network system such as:

            + Connect many Computer in a system and can copy data from computers to another computers.
            + Create system like: Internet/TelephoneSystem/Camera Security/Network Wireless/Alarm Security...
            + Create system E-mail (Electronic Mail) that related with Mail Clients and Mail Server.
            + Maintenance Computers and Repair Computers.
            + Analysis Network System

            + Connect with site to another site in Country or another Country.
Network System
Type of network important Microsoft (Windows) & Open Source (Linux).

Network Topology is a network that have Computers and network devices have connection and can send data from computers to another computers that think about width and security.
Network Topology have 2 types is Physical Topology and Logical Topology.
            + Physical Topology is a Hardware like (Cable, NIC, PC, Printer, Switch, Router,...)
            + Logical Topology is a software like (Share, Assign IP, Set PC Name, Ping, Workstation).
Network Topology Standard have 4 types is Bus, Star, Ring and Mesh Topology.

+ Bus Topology
            Network that used Bus Topology is use cable only one and use Terminator at the end of the link.   

Bus Topology

            - easy to install Computer or Peripheral
            - used short cable than Star Topology
            - not spend much money and worked well for a small Network

+ Star Topology
            Network that used Star Topology it's easier and faster than Bus Topology.     

Star Topology

            - easy to install Computer or Peripheral
            - cable can be 100 m
            - not spend much money and worked well for a small Network
            - when a computer have problems it's don't affect to another computers

+ Ring Topology
            Alternatively referred to as a ring network, ring topology is a computer network configuration where the devices are connected to each other in a circular shape.
Ring Topology

            - All data flows in one direction, reducing the chance of packet collisions.
            - A network server is not needed to control network connectivity between each workstation.
            - Data can transfer between workstations at high speeds.
            - Additional workstations can be added without impacting performance of the network.

+ Mesh Topology
         A network setup where each computer and network device is interconnected with one another, allowing for most transmissions to be distributed, even if one of the connections go down.

Mesh Topology


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