Categories of Network

 Nowadays we talk about general Network have 3 types is Local Area Network (LAN), Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), and Wide Area Network (WAN).

 LAN = Local Area Network used Cable UTP Network, and we use in rooms, building and have fast speed and easy to install and cheap.
A LAN can be person computers and printers that connected in a offices and we can increase to building. Size of LAN is have domain until 2 kilo mater.
We make a LAN can be share data from personal computers or workstation such as Hardware, software and Data.  


MAN = Metropolitan Area Network is a collection of LAN it’s mean many LAN in another local.
Metropolitan Area Network make for increase ability of connection for communication in a hold city or a hold Country.
It’s have only one Network like TV channel system or it’s have a meaning is increase LAN to be a bigger Network so LAN can be share from a LAN to another LAN like connection from one devices to another devices. A LAN can be connected with Modem devices for connection to line phone systems type PCTN ( Public City Telephone Network ).


WAN = Wide Area Network is a general network but it’s have a bigger range that can share data,  sound, pictures, videos, and information in a big local like Country or worldwide.
WAM is a connection between LAN and LAN in a technology of network that can send data in Analog connectivity or Digital connectivity.

Network is very important for company because when a company have network it’s easier to work such as can share data or all information that you want to give someone it’s can save times.


WLAN = Wireless Local Area Network is connection in a Signal that don’t use cables Network UTP and easier to install and not expensive, especially computer can be change from one place to another place its mean easy to change location of computer.

Network is very important for company because when a company have network it’s easier to work such as can share data or all information that you want to give someone it’s can save times.


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