7 point protect from Hackers

      1.    Closed the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth in your smart phone or computers.
Opened Wi-Fi and Bluetooth it’s worked all the times is the easy way for the hacker to hack your smart phone or computers. When you open the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth hackers can know your network that you was connected, and they can cheats your account by your phone or computers.  
When they can connect to your smart phone or computers hackers will hack or give virus to data theft or spying that you don’t know anything. So you should closed your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when you not used.

      2.    Using Two-Step Authentication
Currently used only password is not enough. Who give email services and many social information have a layer for protect is two-step authentication.
Example when you create Two-step authentication with Google, Twitter, and LinkedIn you need to put security code every log-in. your will receive the code number by text message.  It’s a good strategy to protect from the hackers.

     3.    Create strategy for create security password that easy to remember
For many website have important information such as email, bank…etc. you should create a passphrases that have long character like this example +hisPl@tinumDr@gonBreathesF1er.
For another website you can use the controller security password application (password manager). This application is save all security password so you can create another security password and you don’t need to remember. But used only application that encrypts security password.
LastPass application and Password Safe is an application that popular and its can worked encrypts your password. Please change your password many times in a year.

      4.    Please used HTTPS all websites
Install HTTPS application everywhere tool that develop by pro-privacy Electronic Frontier Foundation.  Its can encrypts all information that browser can input between computer and website. If you see only HTTP in the address bar its mean everybody or hackers can understand you information in address bar.

      5.    Prepare Wi-Fi in your house
2 steps that important thing in prepare installed Wi-Fi in your house. Step 1 is set security password please don’t save default password. Step 2 please selected a type encryption WPA-2. Most of devices select WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) or WPA (Wireless Protected Access) is default.

      6.    Don’t hide Wi-Fi in your house
When your Wi-Fi Router ask you about “Hide the SSID?” and your answer is YES so your devices will “actively scan” for network that you try to hide all the times.

      7.    Think 2 times before you buy a network devices that connect to Internet
Are you need “ice box or microware that smart?” Most technology company it’s fast to put all information in internet and customers can seem good functionality and high interesting.


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